The latest with regard with the activity of the 18HT class in Europe.
The Euro 2008 was sailed in Porto Corsini near Ravanna (Italy).
23 teams from 3 countries (Italy, Switzerland and Poland)
It was dominated by the BIMARE X-2 which got the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th place. The second was Andy Lutz on an Eagle 18HT. There were also Ventilos and Mattias.
For results and photos have a look at:

The BIMARE X-2 is on sale at EUR 16,000 (a quotation lower than the one of the most F18is). Ventilos and Mattias are more expensive and the Eagle is the most expensive of all (not far from EUR 20,000).
With regard to the PN:
in 2003 the Javelin 2 was given the same PN of the I20

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