Originally Posted by Mark Schneider

Pete, the 20/20 hindsight maneuver would have been to duck him and tack safely on the layline and have starboard, non-tacking, rights on a boat that needed to tack inside the zone - but at the time we made the lee bow maneuver, we could lay the mark and round with inside rights - until the wind shifted.

And that was a winning move... BUT Sailing is Sailing..

The other boat was slightly ahead of you... so you made an agressive move to win.

What did the traffic look like behind you... were you going to find a hole.... or were you going to be screwed no matter what....??

Mind you... everyone else got the knock.... and some would have had to tack for the new lay line as well.

Equally interesting is that you were in a monohull.... your judgement would be different were you on a cat... (luff and tack... or jibe and tack) Switching tactical gears in you head like that just seconds from the 3 bl circle .... tough!

The traffic actually wasn't bad - we could have easily taken his stern and tacked for A without worrying about anyone else had we thought that was the best course of action at the time - we were a gnat's butt from being able to cross him and had positioned ourselves to do it. He was starting to luff up as we got near him. With it being light, I really didn't have a good feel for how much the boat momentum would carry him. I got nervous so I called off the cross. We were pretty much left with the choices to do a hard bear away (probably not a good idea in that light stuff) or go for the lee bow.

If we were a little more decisive with our maneuver, we probably could have bailed out and gotten behind him for the mark without impeding another boat. As it was, however, we waited until it was too late and lost another boat in the process.

With regards to sailing a monohull, I'm thinking about getting more involved in our local racing scene...the luffing/momentum thing was different, but man, there was SOOOO much time to think about the tactics in light air close quarters and you can still maneuver - it's very different. and I really enjoy crewing - it was a lot of fun. We had a pretty good results too.

Jake Kohl