Originally Posted by Mark Schneider
Jake, Why would that matter?

the old boats that have ratings with tons of data behind them will not change. You only have to run the program for new boats... and you have no data..

So... until you have a data set of 25 races with a fleet of un rated boats racing a fleet of yardsticks...... not a problem.

(I think they actually can run the program... they just can't modify the code or want to rewrite the thing for the 21st century.)

It matters because if anyone puts in the effort to collect data that can't be processed they would be wasting their time. In the bigger sense, if the numbers are able to still be compiled then it would be nice to know what the committee feels is needed in order to update numbers or assign new numbers so the system can remain relevant to our sport. If they are fixed and unchangeable then it is more motivation to start looking at something like SCHRS that can adapt as our sport changes.

There IS data available and the statistics will work on a relatively small sample size because it's weighted. I could probably dig back into three or four years of EMSA F16/F18/Acat single fleet handicap racing and provide a dozen regattas of data but I seriously don't think anyone since Jamie/Darlene has had a chance of processing it. I have a Fortran background and took a stab at understand it a long time ago but the statistics are really advanced and I concluded that I needed more of a statistics background (or the time to gain the knowledge) to be able to modify it in any meaningful/reliable way.

Jake Kohl