Originally Posted by Jake
Originally Posted by brucat
It's dead because there is no data.

The fact that most of you refuse to join, then publicly rant about no support doesn't help your case.

No one, and I mean absolutely no one, at US Sailing cares if you use a different system.

We've had these debates for eons here. A standard system is necessary for credibility. No one has crunched numbers to prove that there is a better system.

If one of the other systems is better to use, and has the support of the fleet, I will fully support it as the MHC chair.


We have (I have personally), on multiple occasions, compared the systems with number crunching. Regardless, it's all handicap racing - it's never going to be perfect. It's a comparison of "worse" or "less worse".

Thanks Jake.

I think the one thing that we can all agree upon is that we need a handicap system that is fair to the sailors, and easy for the organizers.

If we want to propose to move to a new system, it would be good if it had a champion, if not an administrator. Not in the number management sense, but in the sense of helping OAs use it.

Having recently tried to help Craig and some others get numbers for new designs, I agree that DPN is not working in today's environment.

In my experience with US Sailing, nothing happens without a proposal, and even less without an actionable plan, with leadership. Wildly demanding change, then sitting back waiting for someone else to solve the problem, falls upon deaf ears.
