Originally Posted by Mark Schneider

Do you want to stand at the bar and say
"I won the race with exactly the right rating system which favors my boat?"

Well it seems there are plenty who say the opposite:

"I LOST the race today because the rating system favors (insert name) boat"

So I wouldn't enter my 1984 Yugo beater into NASCAR event and expect them to come up with a handicap number to allow me to win.

It only makes sense to me that I figure out which rating system favors (or at least doesn't penalize) my particular boat's nuances (off-wind beast, downwind sled, pinching machine, etc) if I wish to stay near the top of the finishers, right?

Because learning to sail better, paying for coaching, and maintaining my equipment certainly won't put me up near the podium, right?

Would we see gravitation by sailors to events using this thinking if different rating systems were used by different events? So one class of boats may prefer DPN, another PHRF, a third SCHRS.. and only attend those functions?
