Hi Tom et al,

Sue sailed a hell of a race, so did alot of guys and girls(Sandra), and the competition was top notch here. No doubt light air sailing is a bitch, but its part of sailing, especially where I live in the "Armpit" of the South. 100 degrees, 100% humidity and you can always bet on "light and variable".
My opinion on light air would be with you, keep the 5 kt rule, unless it looks like a light and variable weekend, or even that forecast for a week long event.
My problem with the race that was thrown out is that the PRO said he beieved it was 5kts, and nobody complained on the starting line that it was not 5 kts, everyone was moving around, battens popping over by themselves, no protest at the start, everyone just glad to get a race in after a long day of nothing.
After the race, when the positions were shook up, then you hear the complaints of it was too light to start. Who had an advantage? It was a clean race sailed within the time limit, no one left in any holes bobbing around with no air, so we throw it out on a technical point?
I think there should have been a protest or someway to ask up front before the race started if these protesting boats felt there was not 5 kts, not when you see how you did.
This is my humble opinion, and I was there, and I feel there was 5 kts of wind at every mark. The SI's clearly stated "5kts as determined by the RC".I sail in 5kts every weekend, I think I am a good judge of light and variable, and that is my how I voiced my opinion in redress.
I dont think the RC or the competitors did anything wrong, it was perfectly legal to protest the way they did, but I do beleive it was poor sportsmanship.
Again, this is just my opinion, and its way biased.

Thanks to Tracie, the RC, Mark Santorelli, Brian Karr and crew, and all the new friends I made there this week, I had a blast, hope to see you next year(with wind!!!!)

The men were amazed, and said, "What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" Matthew 8:27