
I have been seriously taken to task and Im sure my wallet will regret it.

I think the costs may well be very acceptable, take a look here :


Of course keeping building cost as low as possible was one of the design goals. Had to cut a few corners here and there to get down to the current cost estimate (leading to clunkyness) but if your walleet is up for it then these corners can be put back on.


it will change, and given the chance Im sure they will probably totally redesign Wouters boat as they go

Feel free to do so, just note that I didn't sit down on an afternoon, drew some lines of a piece of paper and called it a F12 design. There are very good reasons why the design looks at it is now. And the fact that I'm working on a deep V-ed hulls have again very good reasons, mostly simplicity in homebuilding by an absolute amateur. The latter is important to get the class started worldwide.

Currently I'm working some more on the unstayed rig. I fear camber inducers are necessary if I we are going to used fully battened sails on this craft. Something I really want and probably need unless we want to put the ugly laser rig on the F12. Talking about styling.


Wouter Hijink
Formula 16 NED 243 (one-off; homebuild)
The Netherlands