The target weight was in response to the talk on the F12 forum at the time. I did that sketch and then did nothing as the F12 appeared to be heading (at a rate of knots) away from what I considered was something worth spending my time on. The return to a genuine kids boat has re-ignighted my interest and I've set aside approx 1 hour a day (until its done) to produce a finalised design. The kitset price as quoted is based upon the original files and will probably come down with the final product. The "optimum" weight for the newer hull is marginally lower (45-50) but not much, as I envisage younger children sailing the boat 2 up and don't want the boat to become unusable with a teacher and student on board.

With 4 designs currently on the go, assuming Phill is going to unvale a Scalpel (small blade), is it time for us as a group to re-visit a set of class rules for these boats?