OBXCC.......IMHO, the Catsailor forum is the largest of it's kind. This would be a great venue to air out changes to the WETA. The '08 boat I looked over showed potential problem areas. Many will choose to fiddle with blocking and sheeting, as the class allows, but my concerns are hull and float construction. For a "cored" build, I felt the main hull to be soft esp between forward tank wall and bow. The floats, especially inboard, showed layup imperfections quite visibly, with some delamination/gel cracking topside forward of amas post. A honeycombed bulkhead was mentioned, but with limited access, I felt no framing directly below mast step ? I've had 2 piece masts in the past, and found reinforcement necessary when carrying a spinnaker. It's been noted that the mast is quite flexible, a good depowering attribute. Aside no mast shoe, I wonder what design strength and mechanical testing went into the designed loading for such a build, especially pertaining to the sleeved joint and multiple hound fittings ? Further, what precautions/remedies were made for the possible failure of the mainhull's amas frame tube sockets. I liked the boat's design parameters, but walked away from the sale.