If the alternative for me was said tasteless mcmansion and ridiculous SUV than you'd find me in saskatchewan in a heartbeat. Instead I live in a passive solar/wood heated house with a 98& efficient propane boiler and drive a diesel VW that I try and run on bio (read Newport Biodiesel) as much as possible. How bout you? How much money do you send to Saudi Arabia? And I sail for ucks sake. And I pay taxes. I just wish they went to education instead of subsidies for industries that dont need them and compromise the safety of everyone on the planet. I would happily pay more for what fuel i use if it was earmarked for r & d of alternatives (read Craig Venter, another sailor) . And that supermajority never really existed or health care wouldn't have taken a year to pass in its watered down state. Furthermore, I am no blind leming following any political stripe. Energy should have been the #1, 1a,2,3,4,and 5 priority of POTUS. Like it was when Gore was elected.