"To continue through a tight crossing that you have a chance to get through clean and without causing the other boat to take avoiding action is RACING".

70% is not a tight crossing. It is a 30% chance of getting the boat in the right in trouble. If I have a crossing boat I am not going to wait till the last minute to take action. I am going to take it as soon as I feel that may be a possibility that we will make contact. It may be something a little as easing the main or a slight course adjustment. I call protest and you say it was a liget cross. You going to do turns?
The problem here is the Cat mentality that we don't like to go to protest. So now I have to decide to let you get away with what you thought you had a 70% chance of doing or going to protest and wasting time.

My other option is to hold course and possibly take your rudders off.