An 8 year old is simply not going to sheet a 7.00 sq.mtr mainsail with only one hand (other being on the tiller). Two young kids just may be able to sail the craft with one on the tiller and the other sheeting the main with two hands.

This is what annoys me most about you Wouter, you say things like this as fact when I am sure you know it is just completely untrue. Of course there is a limit to how hard a seven year old can pull on a mainsheet just as there is a limit to how hard a full grown man can pull. But to try and say that is the reason you cannot have an F12 for children is just nonsense.

For another example of this kind of blatant mis information to support your own narrow point of view you only have to look at your first two posts on this thread.

I've actually done the math and modelling on the F12 and interestingly enough it is not suited to say 5 or 8 year olds.

followed by your next post

Well actually, they can sail it just fine as long as they crank on the ram vang

Just because you don't want a kids catamaran there is no need to post this kind of stuff. If you stick to telling us how good your ideas are and stop trying to put down evryone elses we are more likely to succeed with getting more people sailing cats.
