Back and forth...Round and Round...We need Rick to set up one of the fixed threads at the top of the F12 Page called specifications that only Luiz can post on (if he in fact is going to be the overseer on the F12) As the parameters are fixed, Luiz can post them on that "fixed" thread rather than beat these issues to death (on multiple threads)...come to a consensus...and then have some one who is not up to speed on all the discussions bring everything back to square one and start it all over again. That way everyone knows the fixed parameters.

To take this a step farther for the sake of organization, separate discussion threads should be started dealing with just one design issue. My suggestions would be (1) Hull Design (2) Rig Design (3) Sail Design (4) Rudder Design (5) Skeg/Centerboard/Daggerboard design. I admit there would be some issues that would bleed into one or more categories. If we kept things pertaining to one issue in their respective categories it would be easier to keep track and would eliminate much of the redundancy.

Wouter...This is not meant to ignore, negate, or diminish any of the work you have done on this project...I know you have done a complete description on your own web site representing your interpretation of the F12 (along with the ideas of many others)...however this forum appears to be the focal point of development and as such, it is necessary to establish a written record of things here which represent the agreed parameters of all contributors.

Best Regards,