Originally Posted by Team_Cat_Fever
Originally Posted by mbounds
Originally Posted by Timbo
Double OUCH!

And a hole in a Borrowed boat??

With only 15 boats on the line, how did that happen?

And out of curiosity, why wasn't someone DSQ'd or RAF for that?

Steeplechase doesn't work like that. No protests allowed.
I guess they could still have RAFed though.

That's not what the "NOR" (and I use that term loosely) says:
There is no Protest Committee, so please obey the racing rules and rules of the road.

Doesn't mean there can't be protests. From the hull damage caused by the pole, and the description of the incident, seems a pretty clear Rule 11 / 12 situation. Even if the other boat had ROW, they'd get tossed on Rule 14 (collision resulting in damage).

And yeah, somebody should have RAF'd. I hope they struck around long enough to make sure the boat they speared was OK. Imagine if that pole had been about 12" higher. Somebody would have been going to the hospital - probably on a helicopter.

Last edited by mbounds; 12/12/11 08:49 PM.