Hello just a few reality check questions.

Of all the people you have taken sailing on your catamaran... How many got the bug and bought a boat?
How many got hooked on sailing anything?
My experience = 0 new boat owners.

Yes, some like to go out sailing ... many just don't like it or could take it or leave it.

Notice where Hobie sells most of their boats... Resorts! The fact of the matter is that thousands of people experince cat sailing at these places yearly and don't return home with the need to get one for themselves.

I don't think marketing the boat will get you very far Something is missing in your formula.

Personally, I feel that you need to have a system where lots of people can try sailing out (Resorts, Take a ride days etc) and then have a way of building on that interest (Community sailing programs, Yacht Club programs etc). What you want to grow is sustained interest in the activity of sailing... and then hope it evolves into the sport of sailing.

Also notice that most of the rail meat on monohulls are not out there looking for a small boat that they can sail. They seem to be content just crewing. They leave the costs and headaches of boat ownership up to someone else.

Take Care
