I am not sure you could convience me. A start might be to actually get the weather prediction for tomorrow correct. However, I have traveled way too much and realized just how big this planet is, couple that with the size of the sun, (something most people have no idea about) and you have no chance. What is also impossible, is for man to actually have any measurable effect even should they want to try. At this point in time we still are not capable of equally one volcano, in either power or pollution.
But the foremost reason, is that it is purely a topic of politics. Simply a way to take money from producers to give to the leaches. The US is by far the cleanest country in the world. Most of the countries exempt from any consideration involving solutions are the worst. The Countries of freedom and democracy are the producers and can also afford to be clean, the vast majority of the world is not free. Guess what, their dictators and leaders have no interest in cleaning up after themselves or others. Sorry to dump on your religion though, I understand your right to worship as you see fit.