Rolf, I'll admit that I'm a "right leaner" in my beliefs, HOWEVER that has NO bearing on my beliefs with regards to climate change. What does cause me to think the way I do is my education as an engineer. I didn't take what the IPPC said and just run with it. I read it, digested it and for me 1+1 didn't equal 2. After MUCH more (and continued) reading on the subject it became VERY apparent to me that we we're being fleeced. Sadly there are a LOT of sheep here in this country but there are also a lot of us that don't follow the crowd and prefer to form our own decisions. That is the reason that a lot of people here don't believe, we've read and formed opinions based on scientific facts.

I don't want to talk too much about the science, however simply put the data does NOT support man made change. All the data shows that CO2 LAGS temperature, i.e. temp goes up and CO2 goes up after the fact. Here's the science behind that... Solar activity increase, planets in the solar system warm (check out the data a/b mars warming). Since the solubility of gases in liquids decreases as temp increases, more gas comes out of solution, hence CO2 concentrations rise. Now we HAVE contributed to that rise, however the single largest repository for CO2 on the planet is (drum roll please) THE OCEAN. More CO2 goes into/out of the ocean than any other source or sink. There are way too many holes in the THEORY of anthropological GW for it to hold much water. The mathematical impropriety of the hockey stick graph really chaps my butt.... How can you do what he did with regards to that data and be as widely accepted as it WAS???? [censored]