To quote my high school football coach:

"now I don't know nothin' about nothin'", but the way I see it is that putting all of that man made crap into the air . . . well . . it can't be good. Is it worse than what Krakatoa did, or Mount St. Helens . . . I don't know.

I remember the good ol' days when people just littered everywhere. Remember those "litterbug" commercials. We actually needed TV commercials to tell us that we shouldn't throw our trash in the streets. I guess I kind of view "an inconvenient truth" stuff as today's litterbug commercials.

Would it really be all that bad to hvae better emission controls?

If war can boost an economy, so can "going green". The only difference is that the oil companies aren't going to be the ones to get rich . . . and . . . well . . . I guess they don't like that very much.

Now, don't go lumpin' me in with all the green freaks out there. I'm 3 beers deep here. I have no intention of selling my 8 cyl. Jeep Grand Cherokee . . . but will I look to buy something a bit "greener" the next time around . . . perhaps . . . If the price is right (I'm an American, afterall).

Boatless and happy.