Originally Posted by scooby_simon

I would suggest you need to talk to the sailing-management of the club and also start to protest. If they play the "3 crew card" stste that that is not important; they are crew and so will not count for much (in a proper protest).

Start calling some of these poeple out. otherwise they get away with it and it then makes it "common" and others copy; they forget the rules and it becomes unsafe.

Defiantly do this. It would also pay to get some of the other sailors who have had similar issues to back you up. It sounds like an ongoing problem and if it is a shared issue amongst the sailors this will help your cause.

It is really disappointing when crews stop abiding by the rules because they know you'll avoid them and won't protest. This happen all the way from club races to world championships. Sometimes the only approach is to protest and have them canned once or twice. It's unfortunate but they may need this to realize they are not above the rules.