I understand... The real world is a B tch and the integrity issues can come up. But it does not mean that your integrity is corrupted either.

Again, If the sail material would be approved after the regatta...What is the just decision?

No doubt...sorting out illegal from legal.. Fair from unfair and just from unjust in a restricted development class involving the top class sailors could lead to very different outcomes based on what you value.

Legal vs Illegal?... Not Legal!... It is a technical violation of the material approval rule.

Fair vs Unfair? ... So long as all sailmakers COULD have built a technically illegal sail and anyone could have gotten one from this or any other sailmaker.... Probably Fair on the Race course in this limited development class.

Just or un-Just?.. generally god gets to do the justice thing... but I support a just decision by the class to ignore the technical failure to get prior approval.

I certainly see your point and have a lot of sympathy..
(Your state's jury just did the just versus legal thing with that bimbo in the child murder trial)
