Originally Posted by Mark Schneider

Interesting that they chose 8 feet 2 inches for the beam. .... Back to the Taipan 4.9 dimensions.

Any idea what it will rate on SCHRS? Are they shooting for the 104 niche?

The Viper 8.5 feet beam boats seem to optimize around 300.... Any idea if a narrow version will shift the weight a bit higher?

2.5m is 8-2 and max width.

You have to figure band power and a min weight boat would be instant success.
I guess this is just called being lazy. You send your manufacturing to Asia in the same shop as your competition I guess it is no surprise you have a like heavy boat.

I suppose the French F16 market is playing the ratings game with trying to be 104 on the SCHRS and a sweetheart number. All fine and good for now, but what happens when they realize the SCHRS overcompensates for weight in its calculation and they change the formula? You now have a bunch of overweight boats for no particular reason.