Originally Posted by erice
the good thing about downsizing parts like that is that inherent strength usually goes up

but yes, it may still cost a packet and work out a little more expensive per foot than an f18 but if it keeps sailing for over 30 years like many of the nacra5.2s it will have been worth it

in 1977 the nacra5.2 cost $2,950

35 years later the same boat costs about $1000

that's $70 a year

imho a slightly heavier boat from an established builder is the best buy for most sailors

A slightly heavier boat (I'll not go into the definition of slightly in this context) from an experienced builder, where a proper test-program have been applied sounds like a good idea. If no testing have been done on the structure.. The risk of standing up to your elbows in sanding dust and epoxy is very real.