I'll admit at times, the two-up is not equal to one-up, but don't say there isn't any integrity in the class because of it.

OK.... so what don't you understand about a Formula RULE that the rest of the world understands to mean.. this rule is tested and assures that the racing is fair and level. (The F18 class was worried that the class would not be viewed as level and so they prohibited listing boat types at major events... they were all F18's.) You guys just say... trust us... single and double are equal on the course... cough cough. Trust us... the weight differences are not meaningful. (which may be true... but after the first whopper.... WTF)

So... I call it a flim flam when you market the class as a Formula 16 class which creates a fair, level playing field when you really don't believe this to be the case.

This is a very simple... it is just truth in advertising.
Create two distinct classes... when you choose to race even up in the same start... call it level racing.

If the sailors want a more level playing field... they choose to race handicap.

The results on the race course will determine if the formula rule works well.... if the racing is fair.... declare victory.
If some one shows up with a light weight world beater... You will have a tough problem ... change the rule to match the majority of boats... Otherwise, the heavy weights will just go form their own class.... (and not allow the light boats to race)
