It was the Finn parties that were really they know how to party...sorry lobby <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

Once again I agree with JW, reasoned arguments is the way forward. The petition does help so make sure you and your friends have signed it.

However I do feel that the T if it is chosen and does get back does not neccesarily have to look at changing the guard but maybe looking at the way it is perceived. The perception is that a T is expensive...ok it isn't cheap...but one of the ways possibly of reducing the cost perception is to introduce one design sails...(expect to be shot down in flames for saying this)

On an aside maybe we should also look at the way multihull racing is done at the Olympics.... to show that we are something different...maybe a multi staged long distance race? With some of the back drops of the UK sure to be a TV pleaser