When we met at the US SAILING AGM in Phoenix last month and represented you, the Multihull Sailors, the Multihull Council was pleased to report, as noted in another post, the USA Olympic Sailing Committee submitted to the ISAF the recommendation for the 2012 Olympics to include two multihull classes.

The three USA ISAF members decided to go against the recommendations of US SAILING and voted to eliminate the multihull class in the 2012 Olympics.

You may wish to share your feelings with the three USA ISAF Delegates:
David Irish daveirish@irishboatshop.com
Charley Cook chascook@comcast.net
Cory Sertl corysertl@rochester.rr.com

Be polite, but let them know what you think of their decision.

Caleb Tarleton, Multihull Council

Let's not forget that US Sailing was first to propose no multihull in 2012. It was only after the uproar that was changed, but they fully knew that even their own delegates would not be voting for it. Hell, they even threw in two multihull classes in the proposal. Why not. Make it look like we are doing something fully knowing that their delegates will not be voting for them.

I wish more people in the US would have had the opportunity to sail the Tornado and see first hand how badly US Sailing treats them. You have no idea the crap they go thru even during an event like the OCR.

Here is a good example from this summer... US Sailing had a container coming back from Europe half empty. A US Tornado team campaigning there training for the trials asked if they could send their boat back in that container. The response was a flat NO. US Sailing would rather send the container half empty than allow a multihull team to use it.

I blame US Sailing and I for one am done sending my money there to support their stupid laser program. Their assigned multihull coach by his own admission said that he knows absolutely nothing about multis. Nor has he any interest in learning them.

US Sailing and ISAF can just ki$$ my a$$.

Let's get organized so we can just having some control over the promotion and funding of our sport. We have some very talented multihull sailors who are not getting any support from our 'national organization'. It's time we divert those funds to our own sailors.