When we met at the US SAILING AGM in Phoenix last month and represented you, the Multihull Sailors, the Multihull Council was pleased to report, as noted in another post, the USA Olympic Sailing Committee submitted to the ISAF the recommendation for the 2012 Olympics to include two multihull classes.

The three USA ISAF members decided to go against the recommendations of US SAILING and voted to eliminate the multihull class in the 2012 Olympics.

You may wish to share your feelings with the three USA ISAF Delegates:
David Irish daveirish@irishboatshop.com
Charley Cook chascook@comcast.net
Cory Sertl corysertl@rochester.rr.com

Be polite, but let them know what you think of their decision.

Caleb Tarleton, Multihull Council