unofficial for sure but here goes

Yellow 1627
Whike 1634
Velocity 5 1634 (ocs)
TCDYC 1640
Cat Fever 1640
Microwind 1640 (ocs)
Zhik 1641 (ocs)
Velocity 1 1643
White 1644
SEACATS Orange 1645
Green 1645
Key Sailing 1647
Velocity 2 1648
Chaos 1652
Pirates 1654
Adrenalin 1654
Orange 1658
MooseBurd 1704
Velocity 3 1705
SEACATS White 1711
Chums 1712
Stray Cats 1714
Cat in the hat 1729
Velocity 4 1848

Whew, too many boats this year...

The men were amazed, and said, "What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?" Matthew 8:27