How much of the entry fee goes towards expenses? all money over and above the prize money is slated towards the expense factors, as well the unforseen factors.

What’s your cut? This I would suppose would simply be anything left, if at all after all prize payouts and all other associated costs are paid, following the event.

Have you done any forecasting on what the expenses will be?
The answer is to this is simply yes & its alot.
Do you have an organization in place to execute the pre-sail, sail and post-sail activities?
Again Yes, several for each series, on each day, more info will be on the new site as to exactly who, but what is important at this time is "participants", that are interested in actually attending the event. If those numbers are not there than neither is the event. Again the reason no money is asked for, No not even the deposit, simply those who would attend.
Who are you? When talking about $234,000 of other people’s money you’d be much more believable if you could spell entrance, ensure, entrant, comfortable, ensuring and entrants. Did you ever live in B.C. and were involved in Australian imports? lol, why are some people so big on spelling, its only a thread not a contract. if U think this is bad spellin, u should c me in a chat session. I am only tring to respond quickly to posts here. As for BC yes, Austrailian imports No, and nothing wrong with an aussie....good people rank right up there with newfoundlander's