How do parents just buy a $12000 new small cat and turn their little novice loose on it. It is going to come into the beach one day with boards down, it will bounce around in the swell on its side for a while the kids must be encouraged to tip it and right it whenever they think of it. The problem for the manufacturer is they probably have to build and market a boat at a loss to bring through dedicated young sailors. The 420's I have fit the bill they are robust easy to fix easy to right great starter boat. First thing I tell kids and novice adults is dont worry if you break something I'll fix it so the pressure is off them. Imagine a young sailor starting on a 14 cat then offering them the 420, they would never sail again! The advantage the mono has is Olympic class and that encourages the kids even if they don't make it, its the dream so first the cat maufacturers have to get young backsides on boats then with numbers comes the statistics to get cats in the Olympics. Kingston has 9 cats sailing there are now 7 private 420's and 7 school owned 420's in the town. All of our kids are sailing mono's what sort of statistic is that to present to the Olympic federation. The manufacturer with the long term patience to partly sponsor kids into boats should earn every cat sailors gratitude and support.

Jeff Southall
Current boats
Nacra 5.8 1703 Animal Scanning Services
Nacra 5.8 1667 Ram Raider
Nacra 18 Square
Arrow 1576