I have been working on and off on the design since 2003 and while ideas have been evolving they are pretty well settled now and I just need to bring it all together and draw it up
which I'd like to think I could do late next week.

I plan on using the same beams I extrude for the F16 because this boat will need proportionally larger beams.
I have a friend who has nearly finished a rather large CNC 3 axis cutter that could be used to make alloy moulds for the
boards and even cut out kits if need be down track.

Getting the free standing rig to work will be the most interesting and most exciting part of the project.

I can make the sails for the rig and already have a basic design that needs to be fine tuned during the prototyping process. Still do not have a mast but that should not be too hard as the sail has a luff pocket so just need round tube that does not fail.
I think I have enough foam left over from the F18 plug to make a 12 ft plug.
I'm in the middle of another project which needs to be sorted before I can actually do anything meaningful.
Happy to talk to you about it anytime.


I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!