Maybe we should be talking to Sam Adams then. Many years ago I was hosting a parent-teacher thing at a private school up in NH. We needed beer, of course, so I called the Boston Beer Company (Sam's brewer) and they said, "Sure, how many cases do you want?" 15 cases of Sam's were delivered and they could not have been nicer! I have been drinking Sam's ever since so I guess it worked for both of us. But I don't know if they would sponsor a regatta, all we can do is ask.

Here's something else to think about. I was just at the dentists office, my kid needed some teeth pulled for braces, anyway, in the waiting room, there was a National Geographic Adventure magazine. Great stories about adventure sports all over the world. But I could not find a single add by Hobie, Nacra, Laser, or any other performance type sailboat. Not even a kayak add. In fact the only sailig add I could find, way in the back, was a 2" square add in tiny print, for the Steve and Doris Colgate Offshore Sailing School.

I don't know where Hobie spends their advertising dollars but I would think a magazine like that would be a really good place to start.

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