This just in fron the SA website.

Jobson Bows Out
Citing "an undercurrent of incredible negativity, most of it generated online" Gary Jobson has withdrawn his name for consideration for President of US Sailing. "I am deeply humbled and thankful for the opportunity to lead a sport that I have dedicated my life to," Jobson stated "'but there has been a campaign generated against me that has made me realize that the sport would be better served with a less polarizing figure at the helm."

"Incredible negativity, most of it online?" He isn't talking about us, is he??? Hahahahahaha!!

Oh and as hard as this is to believe, we hear Tom Leweck is being considered as a potential nominee to replace Jobson. Since Leweck handed over S'kiss to his slack jawed offspring, does that mean that when he's done, he'll hand over his Presidency to him too? i think i speak for the majority when I say I hope so.


F-18 Infusion
#626- SOLD it!

'Long Live the Legend of Chris Kyle'