More great comments.

Regarding me and travel: If your event needs a PRO, I'll get on a plane. I'm certified and have been at it up to the NA level longer than just about anyone on our side of the sport. I travel quite a bit already to support regattas, sometimes hiding on mark boats.

I've traveled to each of the past three US Sailing annual meetings, didn't see too many of you there (even when it was in FL last fall). Regatta organizers might want to look at those meetings when planning as well.

The Alter Cup will be in my backyard this year, no reason we can't set up a MRC social night. The NOR currently lists Friday night as free time...

Anything we can do as a collective group will make our side of the sport more attractive to potential cat sailors. All eyes have been on multihulls for a few years now, let's start building together.
