
You need a paid staffer so that the regatta is pretty much at the same level three years from now as the event volunteer staff burnout and turn over.

You also need the US Sailing stamp because this Organizing Authority has credibility through out the country. Some people tried to reform NAMSA and do this job but you can see how well that has worked. There is simply no support for another organization.

Events like the NOODs in my area are run out of AYC...and Sailing World. The paid staff at Sailing World works with the paid staff at the Yacht club to get the very same volunteers out on the water to run the regatta. The price doubles for this regatta compared to the same three day regatta on Labor Day run by the Sailing Assn (CBYRA)

Do you need all of this overhead... (always a hot debate)...Is it valuable to partner with NOOD.... YMMV. The F18's find value in supporting these kind of events.. Could they have the same regatta a week later... certainly.

Negotiating a fair deal for all stake holders is a PIA.. Tis why I applaud all of those who take on this challenge. BUT... the price of the job is not the first order issue.

(Something like JO's has been much less of a problem.)
