Originally Posted by macca
Franck, The class president has asked the NCA's a question and they have responded. The results are clear.

The voting process is more in line with the class constitution than the last World council meeting that had decisions made without many NCA's being offered the chance to vote.

This time all NCA's have been consulted and the results are as I posted.

Andrew, your presentation of the facts is now correct enough, thanks for the change.

Your commentary about class constitution, is no more than a commentary under your responsability. The facts shows you were wrong about the class, there is no fight except the one you're leading for your business.

And for the moment everyone (may you have it already) is waiting for a proposal which has to be voted and then on year delay notice to be in application.

oooops I've just seen a dead kitten. Stop that please, it's awful grin