Excellent point Stewart,

You need to choose a suitable level of technology and cost, by default the level at the moment is being dictated by the largest selling boat that complies with the class rules. It is an epoxy foam/glass boat with alloy beams and mast. That is working out fine and the class is growing well by attracting new members, Why put that at risk by allowing such freedoms in the rule that permit somebody to build a boat that is quicker than the benchmark class boat and more expensive. I would be pissed off as a current boat owner if someone came to the intergalactics you guys have with a boat that cost twice mine and I was spanked by someone spending $$ rather than wanting to compete in fair and fun racing. Tell me how the class gains from such a situation?

You want a strong class? you need good racing. To get that you need the boats to be as equal as possible, having such wide freedoms in the rule prevents that from happening unless everyone buys/builds boats to the top level available within the rule.
