I knew this would eventually happen. It doesn't suprise me in the least that Hobie is pushing non-Hobie boats out of events. Hobie has a history of poor judgement.

Why this is bad:

1. Division race support. Weekend club racing will not be effected, but without a doubt the Division points events will long term. Many of these races are supported by non-Hobie sailors. The help and support of all sailors are what make some of these events go off so well. Now, telling them "We would love your help, but you can't race" is pretty bad.

2. The "Hobie way of Live"... yea right. This is something that was drilled into me by a couple books I read when I was 14 just getting into sailing. The all inclusiveness of the beach, sand, sun and sailing community. Well, it is offically dead. Hobie is attempting to make things exclusive. They are trying to drive a wedge between Hobies and other boats.

3. Greed. Not suprising. They are the 400lb gorilla.

I like the idea of everyone involved in something. The only way that happens is not to put restrictions on things. Welcome everyone. Be a gracious host. Don't worry about the little things. I am dreading this discussion at the fleet meeting already.