Good comments Tom .

The H only race edict is in direct conflict with the Formula 18 concept that encourages all to race including the H-Tiger F-18 , imported from H Europe by Hobie US, built specifically as a Formula 18 .
Hobie builds and develops a Formula 18 ,--expects the benifits of the Formula concept of inclusion of all,--then announces a H-only policy ? -
The conflict and lack or reciprication of intent that desires to segment a SPORT to favor a particular brand and its parent companies profit and or a false perception of brand class only racing as being somehow superior ?,Why then build or import a Formula 18 -.?

The answer for most catamaran racing sailors are Formula and development classes like A s and race groups based on design measurement that include all brand types categorized by L B W AND SAIL AREA ,--not brand class , NOT H only.

The expansion of Formula racing and formula design measurement race groups should be what the majority of racing sailors gravitate towards and is the best solution for all involved , especially H and H sailors which are now nearly non existant geographically in the mid west region .
