Here's a question for you designer wannabe's.
As we have been seeing ever since Foiling became a 'Thing', the worst thing that can happen is the dreaded nose-over, pitch pole. As I look at all the foiling boats, from the Phantom all the way up to that 70' Tri above, they all have the main lifting foils mounted at about mid hull, with a T rudder setup in the back. From watching many of these videos, it seams they always start to hobby horse in any type of big swell, and the bows dig in once in a while, often with disastrous results!
Why aren't they putting the main lifting foils further forward, instead of only at amidships? If the would put it way out front, that would stop the teeter-totter effect we see in the swells.
They could make the rear foils bigger and the front foils smaller, to evenly distribute the weight, but it seems to me it would be much more stable if they spread the foil lift to all 4 corners, rather than keeping it right in the middle of the boat and having the nose dive tendencies.