Matt... YOU seemed to blame Gordon Bagley for the final decision with this statement.

So . . Gordo said "Screw it! I'm tired of dealing with the rule mongering - we'll just run it with the IHCA Rules."

You are right... I was not in the loop... you were... You said Gordo did it. This surprised me since that's not consistent with his published letter.

If you have an electronic copy of his letter... please post it..

His letter to Rick White published in Catsailor paraphrasing says... Dan Mangus, Hobie marketing director did it and I am sending a message by changing the NOR as they insist. So he throws Dan Mangus under the bus.

The last line of the editorial.. Says "Most of the IWCA members have written me and opted to NOT attend ...."
Since Rick is the IWCA class president he might know and I will wait for his comment.