Wessels, your words:
"Yes, we'll race, but it is all about the party, and hangin' out with the whole catamaran community." (italics mine)

I'm pretty damned sure that the WHOLE catamaran community includes boats which are NOT Hobie. So yes, you did say something other than 'i promote hobie sailing.'

" I am just trying to establish a few Hobie events here and there so all us Hobie-people north of the Mason Dixon line have a nice place to come spend our vacation money."

You "hobie-people" (your words, is that like 'white people?') already have very good events down here which are established for many MANY years to come vacation to. You can support those, THEY ARE ESTABLISHED. Do you not understand? PRECEDENT. PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED. GETTING ALONG. UNIFIED. JUST FINE. WELCOME TO ALL AND SUNDRY, INCLUDING HOBIES. SO BRING YOUR butt ON DOWN AND DON'T FUK WITH US.

Here. Let me explain. It would be one thing if a: there were no previously established groups at all; or b: there were established SMOD groups which you would be building on. But the game is very much changed when you and your ilk seek to barge in to a situation well established and smoothly running and impress exclusivity and divisiveness upon it. Therein lies the anger, and apparently it's not unique to my area.

Hobie let Pandora open the box, and now with the edict seeks to close it. Live with the consequences.