I said that? I don't remember. I am pretty sure, hanging out with a few of you would entail me sitting there trying to suck down a Heineken and being yelled at because you're pissed about something I have no control over.
Tell you what: I can call the guys at Ocean Spring Yacht Club and tell them Tami said we shouldnt have an event there because we're bringing our exclusivity and FUKing with all of you. 'Hobie-People'/'White people" are you ****ing kidding me? Digging pretty deep now.
Look, if my Board of Directors (Div chairs/womens rep) tell me that we're going to do open regattas, then fine. But until then, we're gonna go the way we're going. You seem to hate, because we're not doing things the way you want us to. What the hell is all that about? You don't do things the way I want, but I don't throw sh#t at you. And just because we have a full sailing schedule of Hobie Events that the bulk of the 'hobiepeople' like to go to, why are you getting bent at the fact they don't drive 600 miles to go to a multihull regatta somewhere in the south? Is that their fault for not wanting to go or yours, for not making is more attractive to them? You can toss your negativity around all you want. I am charged with maintaining and trying to build my group. That's what I am doing and if you don't like it, I don't know what to tell you. According to Trey, I WILL fail.