I can’t believe the HCA is wimping out on this. When we started working on this we had the HCA, Hobie Cat Company and the IWCA all on board. We also fully expected some flack from the IHCA and were prepared to deal with it. This is so completely disappointing to see the HCA once again run into its own political wall. It’s pure cowardice not to stand up to the IHCA. There is only one set of rules being used in Wave class racing on this planet and everyone knows what rules they are.

I started reaching out to the IWCA years ago when I first started as the HCA Vice Chair and soon decided that I wasn’t doing the Wave sailors any favors by getting them involved with the IHCA. It looked like there was hope for a while but I’m back to my original thought. The IHCA is a complete mess. My advice to the IWCA is RUN DON’T WALK.