Vacuuming the external laminate for the lifting foil side of the float posed the problem of sealing for a vacuum without the risk of crushing the case. I've added some pics as per below.

Before the glass was wet out the openning for the case was cut in it. After the perforated film, peel ply and wadding were also cut for the case openning and packing tape was used to make sure no parts of these layers could interfere with a vacuum seal around the case openning.
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The pic below just shows the vacuum has been applied (again getting 25 inches or 12 lbs per sq inch). You can see dark patches where the wadding is taking up some resin.
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I've been using household irrigation supplies for the vacuum plumbing. Here you can see a hose (that I punched small holes in) wrapped in wadding distributing the vacuum along the length of the hull.
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Not only did I seal around the case opennings I also put a breather hole in the film covering the case openning as an added precaution to make sure I did not pull a vacuum on the case. The cases are very strong but still not worth risking crushing them.
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All cured, peeling away the layers to see the results.
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I know that the voices in my head aint real,
but they have some pretty good ideas.
There is no such thing as a quick fix and I've never had free lunch!