Originally Posted by John Williams
I've taken some private flak for picking NZL early; I hope some of the folks who may be bent at my surety realize that, not only do I believe that they have the fastest boat upon the sea (tip o' the hat, Cap'n Nat), but I also feel some national pride in the work done by Nat Shaver, Bobby Kleinschmit and Pete Melvin, all members of my Club, who picked up sticks to live in New Zealand for over two years to get to this point. Hat's off.

Darren Bundocks comment,

Oracle is getting prepared for the Final, and seeing the Kiwis races, I'm glad OR has a two boat test to keep pushing the limits, TNZ is fast, Oracle looks even quicker , but how much faster can you go?
Will find out soon, but I'm sure beyond speed diff , if any, we will see some incredible Matches between them.

Have Fun