It has been a pleasure to watch the racing and read interesting comments here--thanks all.

Did anyone else think O could have sailed over the top when E lee bowed them in the crossing situation before the near capcize ? It looked like the speed differential was sufficient ,--instead they typically monoed away .

new term --monoed ;]meaning a typical monohull tactic rather catamaran tactic.

Wondering what tweaks O made to the boat to help it upwind--or was it just higher windspeed and playing shifts better? A cat that misses a wind vere lift can loose several boat lengths in example--Also it is amusing listening to the commentators trying to explain it. Jobson in particular has a history of disliking multihulls and clearly doesn't fully understand the differences . He has no time on high speed cats ,no real experience with them--how could he relate like --oh say those of us here on Catsailor .;]

They removed the extention on the pole--tweaked the pie warmers etc etc--wondering if they are still experimenting with some of basic tuning adjustments such as mast rake --Has anyone made a measured comparison of rake differential between the 2 cats . Generally raking back helps downwind performance and forward helps upwind.

The boats themselves seem very evan --really looking forward to the next races --the better sailing team will with fewer mistakes will win, Congrates to all racing --what an amazing experience it must be .
