Apologies Mike, but I thought the "time to fight" would have been BEFORE the election?

Since it appears there weren't enough people pulling levers to overwhelmingly approve a different candidate, I think the "fight" now would be more directly with your congressional representatives?

If you were too lazy to vote, then you shouldn't complain about what you "got".

But if it makes you feel better, toss all that internet crap out because that will CERTAINLY make everyone change their mind... (sarcasm) Everything I read on the internet must be true, of course...

You are certainly entitled to your opinion and it's wonderful that we can conduct a healthy debate of issues (perhaps more effectively in person that on an electronic forum).

I for one am quite interested in what (if any) progress is made by the next administration toward the deficit, foreign policy, tax code changes, climate change and a host of other more state-centric issues.

But my perception of "progress" may be much different than yours. There are NEVER any easy (or simple) answers to the questions of governance, and spouting one just makes one appear simple or uninformed. I believe we all saw that during the debates.

Stay tuned... Cabinet appointees are coming. The rubber will hit the road (or not) soon enough!
