Alternative Facts

From the Washington Post

Tally up the lies and distortions...

1) Trump repeated his false claim that there was rampant voter fraud in the election, and when pressed on the fact that his claim has repeatedly been debunked, Trump said: “No it hasn’t. Take a look at the Pew reports.”

2) When ABC pressed Trump on the fact that the author of the Pew report undermined his claims, Trump claimed, somewhat unintelligibly, that this author was “groveling.”

3) Trump said this about all of the people who he falsely claims voted illegally in the election:

“Those were Hillary votes. And if you look at it they all voted for Hillary. They all voted for Hillary. They didn’t vote for me. I don’t believe I got one. Okay, these are people that voted for Hillary Clinton. And if they didn’t vote, it would’ve been different in the popular.”

4) Trump said this about his glorious victory:

“I had a tremendous victory, one of the great victories ever. In terms of counties I think the most ever or just about the most ever. When you look at a map it’s all red. Red meaning us, Republicans.”

5) Trump said this about the size of the audience for his inaugural speech:

“When I looked at the numbers that happened to come in from all of the various sources, we had the biggest audience in the history of inaugural speeches.”

6) Trump said this about immigration:

“We have to stop people from just pouring into our country.”

This is not exactly a lie, since “pouring in” is not a precise statement, but it leaves an enormously misleading impression.

7) Pressed by ABC on the fact that Obamacare repeal could mean at least 18 million people lose insurance, Trump said:

“Nobody ever deducts all the people that have already lost their health insurance that liked it. You had millions of people that liked their health insurance and their health care and their doctor and where they went. You had millions of people that now aren’t insured anymore.”

This is not quite a lie, but it is a flagrant distortion.


Trump has now moved forward with the wall, but U.S. taxpayers will fund it at first. In an interview with ABC News, he explains how he’ll make Mexico pay for it later:

“We’ll be reimbursed at a later date from whatever transaction we make from Mexico … that wall will cost us nothing. I’m just telling you there will be a payment. It will be in a form, perhaps a complicated form.”

“A complicated form.” Translation: I’ll come up with some kind of convoluted lie to explain this away later.

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