Originally Posted by waterbug_wpb
Originally Posted by mbounds
Your argument is invalid.

What would you propose in lieu of some form of identification?

Is there a way to establish that a person walking up is:
- Registered to vote Voter Registration database that conforms to a minimal national standard available 6 months prior to election. States can reconcile the data on the voting roles at their option
- Resides in the precinct Two forms of US mail or ID with current address[dated within the past 6 months

-Has not had their right to vote revoked (i.e., felony conviction, prior fraud conviction, etc) That is a state issue... Up to them to build the court database and reconcile.... Personally think that once you serve your time... You are automatically reinstated as a full citizen. Hell a govener can blanket pardon all convicted voters and restore their voting rights... see VA
- HAS NOT VOTED ALREADY (by mail, in another precinct, etc[/color])State issue again... They maintain the voter role. Purge duplicate entries and If they send an absentee ballot then only provisional ballot at the poll

And those who cannot or will not present identification are still allowed to vote a provisional ballot. The canvassing board then establishes the eligibility of this voter (not the polling station) and counts the vote if they are eligible.

So there is a way that someone with no ID can vote legally. It's just a bit more time consuming than the more automated systems.

I don't think provisional ballots are a universal option. I think progressive states have put these procedures in place to preserve the constitutional right... Other states... meh....

The ultimate answer to absolute ballot fidelity is a national ID. Not sure if you want to trade your notion of civil liberties AND the risk of Identity Fraud for absolute certainty in voting.
