Originally Posted by brucat
I'm pretty liberal about a lot of things, but WOW is that a stretch. Giving up civil liberties to have an ID? What civil liberties?

I don't think there's anything in the Constitution that states you have the right to be anonymous and have access to any other right. The Constitution is for citizens, without an ID, how does anyone prove they're a citizen?

I don't think that anyone passing through the country (or worse) gets the right to vote.

Don't forget, at the time the Constitution was written, physical access to the country was quite difficult.


I'm not sure who brought up "civil liberties" but is about whether or not you a making an unnecessary barrier to vote for those that do not have an ID.

I fully support needing to register to vote (free) ahead of time so your name will show up on a registry for an extended period (years). This action is easy enough to support/promote with very little burdon on the citizens. The state is responsible to eliminate people from those registration lists upon death, incarceration, or change of citizenship. If you are not registered, i.e. on the list at your polling station, you don't get to vote at your polling station.

There has not been established any concrete (or significant) issue of voter fraud when IDs are not required. From a historical perspective, simply having the ability to posses a photo ID is a relatively modern capability and one that is deeply overshadowed by a long history where such an ID wasn't even a technical possibility.

This country came a long way allowing for voting without IDs for a hell-uv-a long time. Remind me why it needs to change.

Jake Kohl